News and Updates | Save Earth and Humanity GLOBAL MARATHON WITH NABIN PUN Sun, 03 Mar 2024 06:59:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News and Updates | Save Earth and Humanity 32 32 230873786 हामीले हाम्रो कमाईको १० प्रतिशत हाम्रो वातावरणको लागि खर्च गरौं । हामी हाम्रो लागि मात्र होइन भावि पुस्ताको स्वास्थ्य र सुखको लागि यो अभियान गरेका छौ । Sun, 03 Mar 2024 06:55:51 +0000

Let’s spend 10 % of our earnings on our environment. We have done this campaign not only for ourselves but also for the health and happiness of future generations.

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Save Earth and Humanity: A Call to Action for a Sustainable Future Mon, 01 Jan 2024 10:33:33 +0000

A article on, why we should go together on our global campaign named, ” save earth and humanity”? Save Earth and Humanity: A Call to Action for a Sustainable Future

A article on, why we should go together on our global campaign named, ” save earth and humanity”? Title: Save Earth and Humanity: A Call to Action for a Sustainable Future

As we know that, we are In the situation of facing escalating environmental challenges, our campaign “Save Earth and Humanity” will emerges as a beacon of hope and a clarion call for collective responsibility of all the humans of the planet. This initiative seeks to address the pressing issues that jeopardize our planet and, by extension, the well-being of humanity. Here are some compelling reasons why we should actively promote and participate in this crucial campaign.

  1. Environmental Stewardship:
    The Earth sustains us, providing the resources essential for life. By promoting the campaign “Save Earth and Humanity” campaign, we emphasize the importance of responsible environmental stewardship. This involves safeguarding ecosystems, conserving biodiversity, and mitigating the impact of human activities on the planet.
  2. Climate Crisis Mitigation:
    Our planet is facing an unprecedented climate crisis with rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and melting ice caps. The campaign advocates for measures to reduce carbon emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and embrace sustainable practices to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.
  3. Preservation of Natural Resources:
    Human activities often exploit natural resources without regard for their finite nature. By supporting this campaign, we endorse the responsible use of resources, promoting conservation, recycling, and sustainable practices to ensure that future generations inherit a planet rich in natural abundance.
  4. Global Unity:
    Environmental issues transcend borders and affect people worldwide. Our “Save Earth and Humanity” campaign fosters a sense of global unity, emphasizing that the responsibility to protect our planet is a shared endeavor. Collective action is paramount in addressing challenges that impact us all.
  5. Protection of Ecosystems and Biodiversity:
    Ecosystems play a crucial role in maintaining a balance in nature. This campaign advocates for the protection of diverse ecosystems and biodiversity, recognizing their intrinsic value and the interconnectedness of all living organisms. Preserving biodiversity is essential for ecological resilience and the well-being of the planet.
  6. Human Health and Well-being:
    The health of the environment directly influences human health. Pollution, deforestation, and the degradation of ecosystems contribute to a range of health issues. By supporting the campaign, we prioritize the well-being of humanity, acknowledging the interconnectedness of environmental and human health.
  7. Sustainable Development Goals:
    Our “Save Earth and Humanity” campaign aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These goals address global challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental degradation. Also promoting this campaign contributes to the achievement of these critical objectives.

In conclusion, our “Save Earth and Humanity” campaign is not just a slogan; it is a rallying cry for action. By actively participating in and promoting this initiative, we commit to securing a sustainable future for our planet and ensuring the well-being of present and future generations. The time to act is now, and by doing so, we will embark together on a journey towards a harmonious coexistence with Earth.

Prashant Bagale : Campaugner

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Thank You for News Sun, 31 Dec 2023 10:19:55 +0000
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Mr. Nabin Pun, at the Everest Base Camp with the national flag using vivid language. Sat, 14 Oct 2023 03:40:25 +0000 In this iconic photo, Mr. Nabin Pur, the driving force behind our global campaign ‘SAVE EARTH AND HUMANITY,’ stands proudly at the Everest Base Camp. Clad in his running attire, he unfurls the national flag, its vibrant colors contrasting against the majestic backdrop of snow-covered peaks.

The flag flutters in the brisk mountain breeze, symbolizing his dedication to the cause as he embarks on his remarkable journey of running 1000 marathons across the globe to champion the urgent call to save our planet and humanity.

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Massage from god ……… Thu, 12 Oct 2023 14:31:20 +0000 [0:24 pm, 12/10/2023] Prasant: My Dearest Children of Earth,

I, the Creator of all that is, reach out to you in this crucial moment of your existence. I see your struggles, your achievements, and your potential. I am not here to pass judgment or dictate your actions, but rather to offer guidance, love, and hope.

In the face of critical challenges that threaten both your world and your own well-being, I implore you to unite. The power of unity is profound, and it is through cooperation that you can overcome the most daunting of obstacles. The fate of your planet rests in your hands, and it is your responsibility to care for it as stewards of this beautiful creation.

I beseech you to cultivate compassion in your hearts, for your fellow humans, the creatures of the Earth, and the very Ear…
[3:43 pm, 12/10/2023] Prasant: A same voice and a same slogan of the 8 billion peoples of this earth should be , save earth and save humanity “.
[5:28 pm, 12/10/2023] Prasant: In the initial stage of our 1000 marathons, we ran the first marathon from Everest Base Camp to Namche Bazar. We also did a public awareness program with students at Khumbu Himalaya Basic School in Namche, which was also very worthwhile.

The “Save Earth and Humanity” campaign at Namche School is a student-led initiative dedicated to environmental preservation and humanitarian outreach. Students engage in activities like awareness workshops, clean-up drives, tree planting, and fundraising events to make a positive impact on both the planet and disadvantaged communities. This campaign aims to raise awareness and inspire action, calling on everyone to join their mission for a better world.

Pic Source : Google

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No one should die of hunger Wed, 11 Oct 2023 05:28:41 +0000 The child was found in the Lumbini area during the Save the Earth and Humanity campaign. All governments should be ready to prevent such situations of children around the world. Any government in the world should keep the guarantee of the basic needs of people such as Food, Shelter and cloth as the first priority.

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Gautam Buddha’s Birth Place Thu, 05 Oct 2023 17:58:18 +0000 ]]> 0 7164 Save earth and humanity Sat, 30 Sep 2023 15:52:37 +0000 Sushmita Yadav- co-ordinator

Rajarsi janak Campus,janakpur,Nepal

As we all humans are the most intelligent creatures among all the natural creatures residing  on this beautiful planet(earth) ,we need to show our intelligence by spreading the knowledge of saving earth. Also ,we all human beings need to understand that we all have only one religion i.e. humanity.

Despite of being the most intelligent creature on the earth, we humans need to understand the importance of earth. It is only the planet where life is possible. Earth provides us with a lot of facilities that we humans require to sustain. The way we will treat the earth, the earth will treat the same to us. Some of the natural phenomenon which earth provides us to sustain such as-air, water, sunlight, soil etc. is getting badly polluted by us. This is because of lack of awareness  among humans.  They are totally unaware about the effect of destroying the nature. If we destroy the nature,the nature will destroy us. Some symptoms are seen now a days that the wild animals from the forest are comming towards human’s residing place because of not getting sufficient place to live as humans are destroying the forests too. The pendemic like different viruses, sometimes comes just to aware us. But we never take their warning as a real warning and we do whatever we want to do with nature. This is very bad situation of humans and earth . There for by writing this article,i want to spread a message among all that we need to open our eyes and control all the immoral activities happening around us which are destroying the the nature.

For a nutshell, earth is our temple and nature is our blessings. We need to think about one and only religion that is humanity and should show it towards the nature and save our blessings. 

#we will serve the earth 

 the earth will save us in return!!

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Preparation meetings with National Leaders Mon, 11 Sep 2023 05:03:55 +0000 In the photo, distinguished Nepali leaders are featured prominently at the “Save Earth and Humanity” mission meeting. These Nepali leaders exude a strong sense of commitment and responsibility as they contribute their insights and efforts to the global mission of preserving our planet and ensuring the well-being of humanity. Their presence signifies Nepal’s dedication to the cause of environmental conservation and humanitarian progress on the international stage.

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सेभ अर्थ एण्ड ह्युमानिटि! क्याम्पिएन ! Mon, 26 Jun 2023 12:17:41 +0000 पृथ्वी हाम्रो जननी सबको, जति छ्न जीवहरु
वनस्पति अदृश्य सजिव धेरै छ्न, चिज अरु,
प्राण वायु अन्न र पानी धेरै छ्न खानलाई
प्रकृति एउटै ब्यबहार गर्छिन,ठुला र सानालाई ।!।

जल,वायु,आकाश,पृथ्वी अग्नी मिलेर शरीर
हिउँद, बर्षा, शिशिर,बसन्त आदि प्राकृत चरित
समुद्र देखि उठेर शिर, हिमशिखर सगर छ
कोटिका कोटि जीवलाई खेल्न, रमाउन रहर छ ।!!।

कहिं छ मैदान क्षितिजसम्म नपुग्ने यी नयन
कतै छ हिउँ चिसोको ओछ्यान,कर्‍ओ छ बयान
मरुभूमि आफ्नो लयमा बोल्छ, बालुवा बढार्दै
उर्भर जमिन जमेर बस्छ, उपजलाई सकार्दै ।!!!।

प्रजाती धेरै फरक स्वाभाब सजिव सबका छ्न
पालन पोषण संभार गर्ने प्रकृति आफैं हुन
दर्शाउँदै प्रेम सुगन्ध छर्छिन, सदा उन्नति पथमा
अमृत रुपि हावापानी जीवको, संचालन रथमा ।iv।

आफ्नै रित रम्यता छ धरमा उब्जाउन फलाउन
पृथक स्वादमा दिन्छिन उपज,जीवन चलाउन
पारख नौलो तातो र चिसो आफैंले मिलाउने
बोधमा यहि ग्रह छ हाम्रो, प्राणि बचाउने चलाउने !v!

बिगार्दै गयो मान्छेले आफ्नै,घरको ब्यवस्था
भयावह बन्नेछ अझै धर्तीको,नसुध्रे अवस्था
सुधारौं शैली प्रकृतिप्रती आचर सच्चाउन
पृथ्वी मानव अस्तित्व यहीँ अनन्त बचाउन !vi!

कार्बन रसायन बिषादीहरु,फोहोर बढ्दै छ
अनेकौं रोग तापक्रम वृद्धि, आयु नै घट्दै छ
नासेर बन कमाइ धन हुँदैन,कल्याण जनको
पृथ्वी बचाउँ,मानवता जोगाउँ,सन्तुष्टि मनको !vii!

(पृथ्वी र मानवता बचाउँ अभियान ) २०८०

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